Patient Servicing

Personalize your patient care.

In healthcare, patient servicing is crucial for exceptional care as technology evolves along with expectations. Patients expect you to understand their needs and tailor services and communication to them.
We give you the tools to understand your patients to the fullest extent and

Enhance the patient experience.

Patient experience is a critical component of healthcare delivery, and it’s essential for sustaining patient loyalty and driving operational success. Satisfied patients are more likely to return and recommend services to others, which impacts reputation and growth. By having this 360 degree view of your patients, you’ll enhance the patient experience.

Our platform is built on Salesforce Health Cloud.

Create care plans and care programs.

Design comprehensive care plans and tailored care programs for each patient. Your patients’ needs change, and that’s okay! Our platform allows you to be adaptable and evolve to those needs. Your multidisciplinary care team will seamlessly coordinate, enhancing care quality and patient satisfaction.

Prioritize care management.

Principal Care Management (PCM) and Chronic Care Management (CCM) are vital components of effective healthcare delivery. We help you implement these programs so that you provide more holistic care, reduce hospital admissions, and improve patient engagement.

Remotely monitor your patients.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) uses technology to track real-time health data, allowing healthcare providers to monitor vital signs and symptoms remotely. RPM devices transmit data from wearable sensors and home monitors for timely interventions, improving chronic condition management and reducing in-person visits.